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Definition: (noun)

An undersea explorer who remains underwater, breathing at the ambient pressure for long enough for the concentration of the inert components of the breathing gas dissolved in the body tissues to reach equilibrium, in a state known as saturation. 


In 2006, Nicole was a member of the 6-person crew of the NEEMO 9 mission (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) where she lived and worked with her crew in saturation for 18 days on the Aquarius undersea research habitat - the longest Aquarius saturation mission to date.    


Since 2013, Nicole has supported Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) student and professor participation in NEEMO missions.  She understands first-hand the value of multi-disciplinary type missions and taking learning "outside the classroom".  Starting with NEEMO 19, ERAU has provided research and team support for NEEMO missions, and plans to participate in future missions.  Nicole looks forward to continuing work with ERAU and to helping other schools and students discover the wonder and experience of the Aquarius undersea habitat.      


"The best analog to living and working in space"

NEEMO9 Mission Patch

With Tim Broderick, Dave Williams, & Ron Garan before splashdown.

With NEEMO9 crewmates Tim Broderick, Ron Garan, & Dave Williams

NEEMO Project Patch

Superlite training

With our topside team

Ross and I wiring up Tim for online cognitive drills.

In the Aquarius habitat watching the fishes.

Assembling the Water Lab structure

Fixing some bones - tele- guided procedures

Flying the ROV with Jim by my side

Prep for a night dive

Terry and the NEEMO 9 halfway celebration cake-1

Terry and our NEEMO9 celebration cake

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